Java Lambda
Avant Java 8, il n’existait que deux types de références, des valeurs primitives (char c = ‘C’ ;) et des références vers des objets (String s = new String(“Hello”);)
Depuis Java 8, il est possible d’avoir des références vers des morceaux de codes anonymes (des closures) : les lambdas
Une lambda est la redéfinition d’une méthode méthode abstraite d’une interface fonctionnelle (elle doit répondre à la signature de la méthode concernée) sans avoir à faire une classe anonyme, donc gain de ligne de code et de visibilité.
On utilise le nouvel opérateur ->
ex simple:1
() -> 137;
ex avec une interface fonctionnelle1
7package com.cyrgue.lambdas;
public interface StudentCriterion {
public boolean test(Student student);
StudentCriterion criteria = (s) -> s.getGpa() > 3.0
Donc pour pouvoir utiliser une lambda, on doit avoir
- une interface avec seulement une seule méthode abstraite (peux avoir d’autre méthode)à
- et on veut implementer cette methode
Il existe
des expressions lambda
s -> s.getGpa() > 2.7
blocked lambda
s -> { return s.getGpa() > 2.7;}
return est utilisé seulement dans une blocked lambda (le ; aussi)
Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of one argument.
This is a functional interface whose functional method is test(Object).
Predicate has multiple method but ONLY ONE is Abstract
1 | package lambdas; |
Importance du Context
Il est important de specifier le Type de Predicate utilisé, Object n’est pas suffisant (ici Student)
Which compile?
A) Predicate<Student> ps = s => { return s.getGpa() >3; }
B) Predicate<Student> ps = s -> { return s.getGpa() > 3; }
C) Predicate<Student> ps = -> { return s.getGpa() >3; } // missing argument
Response : B
A : Error : Operator :JavaScript, Scala use => Java uses ->
C : Error : missing argument
Which compile?
A) Object ps = s -> { return s.getGpa() >3; }
B) Predicate<Student> ps = s -> return s.getGpa() >3;
C) Predicate<Student> ps = s -> { s.getGpa() >3 }
D) none of the above
Response : D
B : Error : no return in expression lambda
C : Error : missing return in blocked lambda
Anonymous Inner Classes
Reason to use it : One time inner code
Inner classes have a full access to all methods and instance variables of surrounding class, including private ones
Separate Class
- Advantages :
- Flexible : Can pass arguments to constructor - More reusable : loosely coupled
- Disadvantage :
- Need extra step to call methods in main app
- Full access to code from surrounding class
- No confusion about meaning of “this”
- Much more concise, succinct and readable
Encourage a functional programming style
No instance variables
Review of Building Genericized Methods and Classes
Motivation and Overview
- Concise and Expressive (/ a inner class)
- Encourage functional programming
- Support Streams (streams are wrappers around data sources(arrays, collections…) (map/reduce/filter), use lazy evaluation and can be made parrallel automatically by compiler
Type inferencing
Types in argument list can usually be omitted. Java checks at compile time the type in interface (not at runtime), so not slower
Omitting parens ()
If method takes a single argument, then the parens () in the argument list are optional
The @FunctionalInterface Annotation
-> Catches errors at compile time (to specify the interface must have only one abstract method)
-> Expresses design intent
-> But not technically required
Method references
ClassOrType::new (constructor)
The type is defined by the Context
Constructor Reference
Array Constructor Reference
Lambda Variable Scoping in Lambdas
- this variable refers to the outer class, not to the anonymous inner class that the lambda is turned into
4 - Lambda Building Blocks in java.util.function
4.1 - Lambda Building Blocks
4.2 - Simply-Typed Building Blocks
- java.util.function : many reusable interfaces
- Simply typed interfaces : IntPredicate, LongUnaryOperator
- Generically typed Interfaces : Predicate, Function, Consumer, Supplier, BinaryOperator
4.3 - Predicate
boolean test (T t)
Used to filter list, to have a subset of the list (or use the built-in filter method in Stream)
4.4 - Function
R apply(T t)
Transform a value or collection of values
4.5 - Other Generic Building Blocks
- BinaryOperator : T apply (T t1, T t2)
- Consumer : void accept(T t)
- Supplier : T get()
Programming with Java 8 Lambdas and Streams - LIVE ONLINE TRAINING
Difference between OOP () and functional Programing
Java 8 combined :
- Object-oriented Programing (imperative paradigm, sequential code), hierarchical data abstraction, state is encapsulated by methods thats perform itertive statements
- functinal programming is a declarative paradigm
(focus on what instead of how) Pure function Function composition : the output serves as imput for next one Changing State & mutable data ARE DISCOURAGED Focus on Immutable objects
Overview of Lambda Expressions
A Lambda expression is an unnamed block of code (with optional parameters) that ca be stored , passed around and executed later (in another context, another thread…)
Values of private fieds can be updated but not params
Make the code more generable
Method References