Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
Horizontal scaling
Google Container Engine (a Google-hosted version of Kubernetes)Google Cloud Platform
TODO : Create an app with hapijs
Create a Docker container image
docker build -t gcr.io/sport-kubernetes-codelab/hello-node:v1 .
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name hello_tutorial gcr.io/sport-kubernetes-codelab/hello-node:v1
gcloud docker -- push gcr.io/sport-kubernetes-codelab/hello-node:v1
Create a Kubernetes Cluster
A cluster consists of
- a Master API server
- a set of worker VMs called Nodes.
1 - First, choose a Google Cloud Project zone to run your service
gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a
2 - Create a Kubernetes cluster (Kubernetes cluster with three ?? nodes, ready to receive your container image!)
gcloud container clusters create hello-world
Now deploy your own containerized application to the Kubernetes cluster!
Create your pod
A Kubernetes pod is a group of containers, tied together for the purposes of administration and networking. It can contain a single container or multiple.
kubectl run hello-node --image=gcr.io/sport-kubernetes-codelab/hello-node:v1 --port=8080
kubectl run created a Deployment object (used to manage creation and scaling of pods) In this example, a new deployment manages a single pod replica running the hello-node:v1 image.
To view the Deployment :
kubectl get deployments
To view the Pod created by the deployment run :
kubectl get pods
To view the stdout / stderr from a Pod run :
kubectl logs <POD-NAME>
Allow external traffic
By default, the pod is only accessible by its internal IP within the Kubernetes cluster.
kubectl expose deployment hello-node –type=”LoadBalancer”
The flag used in this command specifies that we’ll be using the load-balancer provided by the underlying infrastructure (in this case the Compute Engine load balancer).
kubectl get services hello-node
kubectl logs <POD-NAME>
Scale up
Tell the deployment to manage a new number of replicas for your pod: kubectl scale deployment hello-node –replicas=4
kubectl get pods
Se connecter au cluster
Configurez l’accès à la ligne de commande kubectl en exécutant la commande suivante :
gcloud container clusters get-credentials hello-world –zone us-east1-c –project sport-kubernetes-codelab
Ensuite, démarrez un proxy pour vous connecter au plan de commande Kubernetes :
kubectl proxy
Ouvrez ensuite l’interface du tableau de bord en accédant à l’emplacement suivant dans votre navigateur :
kubectl run hello-node –image=gcr.io/sport-kubernetes-codelab/hello-node:v1 –port=8080
Fix on Windows
kubectl.sh run postgres –image=postgres –replicas=1
kubectlrun elasticsearch –image=elasticsearch:5.1.1 –replicas=1
kubectl expose deployment elasticsearch –port=9300 –type=ClusterIP
Cleaning it Up